It is a brand created in 1999, in honor of Kenny Howard a.k.a. “Von Dutch”, an American artist from LA with a great fame for his drawings in the “kustom kulture” (customized of vehicles). After his death in 1992, his children sold the brand name, and that is how the clothing brand started.
One of the guilties of the great popularity gained, was the french designer in charge Christian Audgier. Also known for his famous brand Ed Hardy, which has a line of trucker hats too with great media success. He abandoned the brand in 2004.
The name “Von Dutch” came from the expression “Stubborn as a Dutchman”, and the addition of the prefix Von was just artistic. Kenny Howard also put his art on elements like, weapons, knives and more utensils.
One of the most representative elements was the Von Dutch bus, an old vehicle that was adapted as a workshop, exhibitor and home. It was recently bought and restored for its auction.
Written by Adrián Lorca