This piece belongs to Number Nine, created by Takahiro Miyashita in 1997. Its name honors the song Revolution 9 by the Beatles from the white album (1968). An experimental piece which mixes hundreds of tape´s fragments and voices from someone repeating the phrase “number 9”.
It is a brand full of punk references and details. Strongly influenced by American fashion that pays great attention to design. We can find pieces that have more technicalities separated than a whole collection from any other designer. Reaching to the point of matching the number of buttons (9) on a shirt just to link it to the brand name.
Miyashita belongs to the wave of Japanese designers, Junya Watanabe, Jun Takahashi, Daiki Suzuki and others, who are American-style obsessed. In his words, “What make us different from the last wave of japanese designers, like Rei Kawakubo and Yohji Yamamoto, is that we are much more influenced by youth culture, especially in music”.
Written by Adrián Lorca