Jean Paul Gaultier has not only driven his creativity into the catwalks, he has also been in charge of designing customs for big screen projects like TV programs, documentaries and films.
We are going to name five of the most interesting projects he has done inside the cinema world.
Undoubtedly his most important work was for the movie “The Fifth Element (1997)”, in which he worked for ten years until he obtained the final product. Then we have two collaborations with the Spanish director Pedro Almodovar, a great friend of the designer, for “Kika (1993)” and “The skin I live in (2011)”.
The last two were for the English film “The cook, the thief, his wife and her lover (1989)” and the French “La Cité des Enfants Perdus (1995)”.
The common point between all of them is the touch of fantasy that Gaultier brings into the costume design of his characters, with cyberpunk and bondage touches.
Written by Adrián Lorca